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Rambam Hilchos De'os Chapter 4

Maimonides' Daily Regimen & Diet

42 min

Class Summary:

This class, in Rambam the Laws of De'os, Chapter Four, was presented on Sunday Parshas Eikev, 12 Av, 5780, August 2, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi YY Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY

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  • A

    Ari -3 years ago

    Question on Halacha 19

    Dear Rabbi Jacobson

    How is one to understand Halacha 19 where the Rambam writes V'hu Miskashe Harbeh Shelo L'daatoh.U'masiach...V'Hakishu Bi K'shehaya.

    Do Chazal not say that 'Ein Kishuy B'lo Daas' and as a result, a person is held responsible for it?

    Kind Regards


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    • Anonymous -3 years ago

      רמב"ם איסורי ביאה א, ט: אנוס פטור מכלום מן המלקות ומן הקרבן ואין צריך לומר מן המיתה שנאמר ולנערה לא תעשה דבר. בד"א בשנאנס הנבעל. אבל הבועל אין לו אונס שאין קישוי אלא לדעת. ואשה שתחלת ביאתה באונס וסופה ברצון פטורה מכלום שמשהתחיל לבעול באונס אין בידה שלא תרצה שיצר האדם וטבעו כופה אותה לרצות: וראה השגת הראב"ד שם.

      כלומר, אם בועל בזכרו ומתקשה הוא מדעת. אבל כמובן באמצע הלילה או באמצע היום, כשזורם דם וכדומה, יכול להיות קישוי.  

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      • A

        Ari -3 years ago

        Thank you for the clarification, much appreciated.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Hi rabbi jacobson iam also waiting for your q/a on chapter 4

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    • S

      Sammy -3 years ago

      Hi Rabbi jacobson

      Thank you for your shiurim 

      Is this possible? 

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  • C

    Chayim -3 years ago

    the epilogue on chapter 4

    Hi rabbi Jacobson We are eagerly awaiting your shiur "the epilouge on chapter 4"

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    The very last halacha in chapter 4 states that a talmud chocham should not live in a place without a beis din that can administer lashes and jail. The Rebbe has spoken often that there is no concept of jail in Torah law. How do we understand this halacha in light of the Rebbe's teaching that there is no jail sentences in Torah?

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  • M

    Moshe -3 years ago

    Many many shluchim move to cities

    lacking one or more of the items the Rambam says a city must have before moving there.   ???

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    • M

      Moshe -3 years ago

      plus those shluchim in flung locales,  many without the requirements laid out  by the Rambam, are, ironically, teaching Rambam t while themselves transgressing those requirements...

      Then again the Rambam himself said he was "oivef" 6 negative mitzvos daily by living in Mitzrayim! 


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Rambam Mishneh Torah

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 2, 2020
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  • 12 Av 5780
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