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Rambam Hilchos De'os Chapter 7

The Laws of Gossip, Loshon Hara, Revenge, and Harboring Grudges

41 min

Class Summary:

This class, in Rambam the Laws of De'os, chapter seven, was presented on Wednesday Parshas Eikev, 15 Av, 5780, August 5, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi YY Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY

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  • M

    Moshe -3 years ago


    we have great questions but no answers today. 

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Halach mekabel more than the speaker gemara kiddushin

    The Ravs explanation can be supported by a similar idea in the gemara kiddushin

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    Fine line between doing something to repair the world...

    and lashon harah. Who determines which it is?  Not so clear (in my opinion) sometimes. 

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  • M

    Moshe -3 years ago

    no negative speech even if true always?

    Pedophile? Covid infected person ignoring quarantine orders going among the vulnerable? 

    Etc. Etc.  

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  • A

    Anonymous -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    In halacha 4 why does the Rambam say 'who will tell so and so to continue acting as he does now?' That could imply anything , eg neutral . Why does the Rambam not say 'who will tell so and so to stop acting as he does now? Or to continue as they were previously?' Or maybe it's hinting that even the neutrality or non negativity of comments could still be very harmful

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Rambam Mishneh Torah

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 5, 2020
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  • 15 Av 5780
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