Chanukah 5781 -- a Video a Day
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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In loving memory of Rivka Dinah bas Reb Shraga Faivish Moshe. In honor of her Yartziet on the first night of Chanukah. Dedicated by her children Faivish and Tamar Pewzner
Chanukah 5781 -- a Video a Day: Day 1
Chanukah 5781 -- a Video a Day
Rabbi YY Jacobson
In loving memory of Rivka Dinah bas Reb Shraga Faivish Moshe. In honor of her Yartziet on the first night of Chanukah. Dedicated by her children Faivish and Tamar Pewzner
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Powerful story of Hope in the midst of despair 😩 and that is Chanukah lightbin the midst of darkness.?
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harlene green -4 years ago
That defines what Chabad is about!!!
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Ira Caplan -4 years ago
YY - he keeps us smiling, he keeps us learning, he keeps us loving and he keeps us living well. What an era in which we live!
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Ira Caplan -4 years ago
Blessed be the One from Whom all blessings proceed!
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chaya -4 years ago
amazing amazing, you are able to light all souls, because, that light, Rabbi Jacobson, that light was the light The Rebbe gave to you,.
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Karen cohen -4 years ago
Beautiful message!
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Anonymous -4 years ago
However, we must remember elu velu divrey elokim chaim as the rebbe explains by shlichus
"Simply put, it is clear that a shaliach must carry out his assignment (not just
perfunctorily, but) with every fiber of his being. Nevertheless, he must exercise the
utmost caution that the “outside” place in which he disseminates the wellsprings
does not cause him to fall spiritually, Heaven forbid.
To ensure that the “outside” does not negatively affect a shaliach, the sound
advice to follow is that while engaged in “outside” matters, the shaliach should
internalize the feeling that his entire involvement with the “outside” is in order to
fulfill the sender’s intent. Then, on the contrary, he transforms the “outside” into a
“wellspring” of kedushah."
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Isaac -4 years ago
See the class last week in likkutei sichos vayishlach vol. 10 at length
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