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Feminine and Masculine Horses

Torah Or Beshalach Maamar "Lesusasi Berechvei Pharaoh": The Power of Words to Transport a Person

1 hr 17 min

Class Summary:

Feminine and Masculine Horses: Torah Or Beshalach Maamar "Lesusasi Berechvei Pharaoh": The Power of Words to Transport a Person

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  • MF

    Miami, Florida -10 years ago

    Thank you soooo much, Tizke L"mitvot, Priceless,

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  • J

    Janet -11 years ago

    Moses and the rock
    Rereading this essay now, I see that the text does, indeed, state that the people in the desert did not only bemoan their fate but question aloud why Mose had led them out of Eygypt, only to thirst in the desert.  This was the second generation, not just the first.  So when you spoke of this newer generation not hungering to go back to Eygpt,it seems a bit inaccurate.

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  • EL

    Ephraim Levine -11 years ago

    changing reality

    I enjoyed this essay very much and in fact delivered it as a sermon in my shul – so thank you firstly.

    How do you reconcile the view below that Moshe was unable to adapt to the changing reality and the fact that each leader since Moshe has an ispashtusa d’Moshe? If he was unable to lead the Jews into Israel because of his apparent fault how can he inspire leaders in future generations and how can he be go’el acharon?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    With best wishes and thanks for all your excellent essays that you send.

    Ephraim Levine.

    Watford, UK

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    • A

      Anonymous -11 years ago

      Re: changing reality

      This brings out the quality of Moshe that he was a true leader, connected to his people under all costs. As the Midrash says, that G-d told him that he could enter into Israel but it is unfair for him to leave his people in the desert while he would enter.


      He did not adjust himself to the new reality, because he was the ultimate leader who wanted to remain connected to his people for eternity. (See Sichas 10 Shevat 5714 (1954)).


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  • MC

    Martin Cury -12 years ago

    Reason for being left behind
    While your explanation is sound and full of wisdom, I would like to add a different slant.  Until now Moshe did everything HaShem commanded to the letter. So, why did he not do so this time?  I believe it is because Moses got genuinely angry as opposed to pretend anger.  With real anger we lose the Shechinah and since a vacuum is always filled, the impure side takes over.  In Moshe's case he forgot what HaShem commanded and remembered what he did the first time.  Sin always waits at the door for an opportunity to manifest.  Moshe's anger was manifest by the words he used at the rock. He never invoked HaShem's name or intimated that the miracle was coming from HaShem - not Moshe.  This again is the result of anger.  So, there were at least two sins.  1) striking the rock and 2) not alluding to the people that it was HaShem who provides for them.

    Moshe was human after all and was destined to be left behind with the older generation just as you so eloquently described above.  The water was provided to the people anyway as a result of HaShem's mercy and love for His people.  Maybe, it was HaShem's plan for all this to happen this way anyway.  Moshe stayed with his generation and we learn great lessons from this incident.

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    • S

      Shmueli -12 years ago

      Re: Reason for being left behind
      According to the great commentary, Rashi, Moshe did not forget what Hashem commanded, rather he spoke to the rock. However, it was the WRONG rock. Upon consulting with Aharon, they thought perhaps the water did not come forth because they need to strike the rock as previously done. When they went back to hit the rock, this time they had the right rock, and water came forth only because of Moshe's greatness. And such a great Tzaddik is held accountable for even an honest mistake.

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    • J

      joe -11 years ago

      Re: Reason for being left behind
      "Moshe was human"...      he was a G-dly man...   human yes, but dont forget the

      G-dly part..  it hurts ones own view of the world when we humanize Moshe more than necessary

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  • R

    Richard -12 years ago

    Pushing in line
    To think the Moses had to take on all that responablitiy pretty much on his own.This is why we pray for our forefathers, we know you always had a listen to speak of Torah and you did what was best for us thank you.

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Yossi Paltiel

  • January 11, 2011
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  • 6 Sh'vat 5771
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Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUNDIn merit of The Grandfather of "THE CHANIN FUND" Reb Chaikel ben Reb Schneur Zalman Yitzchok ChaninYartzeit 6 Shvat, 5764

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