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Torah Or Maamar Vayehi Beshalach #2: Kelipa Is Infinite; Hence It is Unmanageable

Why Reb Avkia Laughed Seeing the Success of Evil

1 hr 1 min

Class Summary:

Torah Or Beshalach Maamar Vayehi Beshalach - Class 2. Tohu, Klipa, is infinite, thus you can't manage it. Tikun, Kedusha, is finite and can thus be manged. This means that the life from tohu hides what it really is and its source, while the life from Tikkun reveals its source and what it really is.

This is how he explains the idea of Rav Akiva laughing when he observed the success of Rome. He explains that when Moshiach comes, those from holiness will harness the lights of Tohu and have both advantages (infinity, yet revealed) and therefore he is laughing now.

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    Yossi Paltiel

    • January 24, 2016
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    • 14 Sh'vat 5776
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    לעילוי נשמת הרבנית גאלדא שוויי ע"הבת הרה״ח הרה״ת ר׳ חייקל חאנין ז"ל
    אשת הרב הגאון החסיד התמים ר׳ אייזיק שוויי ז"ל
    Who passed away on 5 Shevat



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