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G-d Within Or Above? The Error of Nadav And Avihu

How Should I View the Annoying Details of Life? The Debate in Kabbalah, Philosophy, & Halacha

1 hr 57 min

Class Summary:

One word-change in Shemini offers a new depth into understanding the error of the two sons of Aaron, Nadav and Avihu, which led to their sudden demise.

The Rogatchover Gaon, Rabbi Yosef Rozen (1858-1936) offers a novel and brilliant approach into their “sin.” They embraced the notion of “transcendental providence,” vs. “individual, detailed providence.” The two approached find their expression in philosophy, kabbalah,  halacha, and daily life.

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  • MR

    Martin Rosenberger -1 year ago

    So the Holocaust is an intregal part of creation like the leaf turning over in a storm and landing on a sewer grate.

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  • MT

    Mr Tangy -3 years ago

    Musical Prelude

    May I suggest that you omit the musical prelude to sedros which fall during the omer period ( as well as during the 3 weeks).

    Thanking Rabbi YY for his beautiful and stimulating shiurim.

    Kol Tuv

    LY Tangy 


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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    does anybody have a summary of the answer



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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    does anybody have a summary of the answer



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    • Anonymous -5 years ago

      rabbi litman does and is watching

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    • Anonymous -5 years ago

      rabbi litman does and is watching

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    In pasuk טי, it says וַ֠יַּקְרִ֠בוּ בְּנֵ֨י אַֽהֲרֹ֣ן אֶת־הַדָּם֘, this was a karbun חטאת, the reason why this karbun was considured a mitzvah is because it says in פסוק י׳ "כַּֽאֲשֶׁ֛ר צִוָּ֥ה יְהֹוָ֖ה אֶת־משֶֽׁה" "HaShem commanded moshe to do this speicial קרבן, meaning it was an exception. Later, when it seems that aahron does a קרבן עלה in פסוק tet zayin rashi quotes the words "ויעשה כמשפט" which means that this was a VOLENTARY offering, therefore, they did not get a mitzvah unlike the first case where hashem commanded him.

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Class Shmini/Maasei

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 27, 2016
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  • 17 Adar II 5776
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Leilu Nishmas Reb Eliyahu Tzion ben Reb Chananya Niasoff ז״ל
And in the merit of our partner in Torah, Yigal Yisroel ben Sofia, שיחי׳

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