The Rogatchover Gaon, Reb Yosef Rozen (1858-1936), right, and Reb Chaim Soloveitchik (1858-1918)
Sheva Berachos Advanced Shuir
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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In honor of Sholem hakohen nen Freyda Truarig for his Bar Mitzvah on 10 Kislev
This shuir was presented at the Sheva Brochos of Yossi Tauber and Feigi Schlezinger, on Motzoai Shabbos Parshas Vayeitzei, 7 Kislev 5778, November 25, 2017, in Monsey, NY. The kallah is the granddaughter of the Shtrasburger Rav, Rabbi Shmuel Akiva Schelzinger shlita.
Sheva Berachos Advanced Shuir
Rabbi YY Jacobson
In honor of Sholem hakohen nen Freyda Truarig for his Bar Mitzvah on 10 Kislev
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Avromi -3 years ago
Thanks very much!
Where is this tzofnas pone'ach?
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אדיב שלמה בן א"א -3 years ago
יישר כחך, רב יעקובסאן, שליט"אאיך האב נאך נישט געהערט די גאנצע וואונדערליכע שיעור אבער ס'איז מיר געקומען א זייטיגע קשיא וועגן די פארשידנארטיגע טערמען וואס ווערן באנוצט בנוגע לענין פון חתונה האבען: דהיינו קידושין, נשואין, גירושין, וואס זענען אלע בלשון רבים.
איך פארשטיי נישט פארוואס די מעשה פון מקדש זיין אדער מגרש זיין איז ניט בלשון יחיד ווייל עס איז א באשטימטע און באגרעניצטע טעטיגקייט. אבער אין ליכט פון דער אינהאלט פון די דרשה אפשר מ'קען זאגן אז זיי זעננען אזוי געשריבן ווייל זיי זענען בגדר פעולה נמשכת און אין א געוויסע זין נישט קיין איינמאליגע אקט.
על כל פנים די שיעור איז זעהר טיף און א סאך העכער פון מיין באשרענקטע פארשטאנד אבער פון דעם שיעור און פון אלע אייער שיעורים און דרשות מ'קען פארזוכן און שמעקען די אייביגע זיסקייט און הייליגקייט פון תורתנו הקדושה.
א הארציג'ן דאנק.
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Joshua -6 years ago
☺ Really great!
So I guess it's safe to say that tefillin on the head is a continuous mitzva, because to consciously have Hashem 'on the mind', 'in the head' constantly, is ALSO against our nature, so it's therefore a 'piulah ha'nimsheches.'
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Not exactly. In the case of Tefilin, the mitzvah is actually being performed at every single moment, because the actual Tefilin is on my head!
In the other cases, we need the "formula" of "Peulah Nimsheches." By Tefilin, it is actually a Peulah that continues every single moment when the Tefilin is on my head, since that is the actual mitzvah -- to have Tefilin on my head. It would be like sitting in the Sukkah, or learning Torah, etc. where I am fulfilling the mitzvah every moment I am sitting in the Sukkah, or learning Torah.
The chidush of the Rogatchover is that in cases when you do the mitzvah and you complete it, still there are mitzvos that must continue, even without action, because you are creating something novel and unnatural. Tefilin is not part of this equation. Because having Hashem in our head is serious Avodah but it is not in opposition of nature.
Cf. my shiur on Tefilin, on Parshas Bo, where this is explained further.
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Joshua -6 years ago
And with מליה? Something unnatural is happening there For it o be considered an ongoing activity? Seriously
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Anonymous -6 years ago
No. Again with milah, the actual mitzvah continues. The mitzvah is not only the act, but also the result, that one should be circumcised. So every moment that one is in a state of milah one does a mitzvah -- like when your tefilin is on your head. This is explained elsewhere in the writings of the Rogatchover Gaon.
That is why the Sages teach in Talmud Shabbos that David was in the bathing house, and felt "naked" from the mitzvos, till he realized he had a bris. For that mitzvah is always continuing.
So we do not need the formula of "peula nimsheches."
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Joshua -6 years ago
So if peula ha'nimsheches doesn't apply when a mitzva is occurring (from what I'm understanding),... Isn't marriage a mitzva (according to Rambam? So why wod there be peula ha'nimsheches for marriage ? ld
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Joshua -6 years ago
So if peula ha'nimsheches doesn't apply when a mitzva is occurring (from what I'm understanding)... isn't marriage a mitzva? So why is it a peula ha'nimsheches during marriage?
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yosef -6 years ago
First of all thank you for taking the time, but my question is: Isn't being married also a mitzva?
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Michael -7 years ago
A new world
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Joshua -6 years ago
Very nice comment!... ☺
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Anonymous -7 years ago
I would greatly appreciate if someone can translate this shiur to English. Is this possibe?
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Joshua -6 years ago
I hope you got a translation by now ?
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Not yet.
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Anonymous -7 years ago
הפלא ופלא, הן חלק הנגלה, חלק ההלכה, חלק החקירה, חלק החסידות וחלק העבודה
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