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Day #5: The Debate on Public Menorahs

Are They Good for the Jews?

5 min

Class Summary:

The fifth episode of our Chanukah 5779/2018, a video a day series.

The Debate on Outdoor Public Menorahs by Rabbi YY Jacobson

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  • E

    Elimelech -4 years ago

    Dear Rabbi. BH you were granted the Zchus to be Mashpia and BH I have the Zchus to be Mekabel. I would very much appreciate if the following topic, that we can grow much of, be addressed. The first time the Menorah was lit in Russia in public, there is a video of the Rebbe zy”a watching from Brooklyn. If you can show the Rebbe’s face at that time, and if you had heard the Rebbe’s take on that moment. It was a repeat of Mattisyahu’s nitzachon.

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  • JG

    Joanne Given -4 years ago

    Wonderful! I do enjoy attending public menorah lighting and celebrations. I am proud to be Jewish and to share my pride in Judaism with others.

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  • S

    Srulio -5 years ago

    Why does Chabad resist the Israeli custom of lighting in front of one's own house and instead advocates non-personal menora in a public area and also a totally private one inside.


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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    This series is just wonderful !  You bring a worldly inspiring and insightful view to this mitzvah    I have been sharing the videos with joy!   Happy Chanukah!  Hashem should continue to bless you with all that is good! 

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  • L

    Larry -5 years ago

    Really enjoying this series. You keep rockin homers Rabbi YY!!

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Chanukah 5779 -- a video a day

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 6, 2018
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  • 28 Kislev 5779
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