Chassidus: Maamar Matzah Zu 5672 #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class was streamed live from Rabbi Jacobson's house in Monsey, NY on Friday, Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei, 24 Adar, 5780, March 20, 2020
Chassidus: Maamar Matzah Zu 5672 #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Aharon -4 years ago
20 yr old = self conscious
40 yr old –don’t care what others think
60 yrold – realize no one was looking & no one cared
Ruach -
Nefesh - hodu til baruch she’amar
Chaya Yechida – ohr makif – higher more transcendant overwhelming energy of the soul which is not manifested in the body
Seder hadracha in life
1545 “don’t grab angels” chizon external person vs. penimi – wherever he is he is there completely
step by step Got to be 2 yrs old to get to 20 yrs ole etc.
18:00 Alter Rebbe: insert “v’shamru b’nai Yisrael” followed by kaddish
VG – doesn’t like this insertion cuz supposed to go straight fr geulah to shem esre. Haskivenu like tefila aricah cuz anshei knesses inserted it
BHT also took out of tefilla - yet is in the siddur he wrote nusach sefard and Arizal mostly – used 60 texts/sources perfect acc’g to Hebrew grammar and kabbalah - Minhag to say v’shamru have what to rely on.
Levi Yitzhak married g-son to g-daughter of BHT – saint and loved Jew people, married g- children to each other – 1807 parsha Nasso , big chasana – Shlobena chassana, spent several days together - LY: “when yiden say v’shamru it’s like a tremendous marketplace in heaven” tht’s where the action is. BHT responded: “I don’t have to be at every marketplace.” I have to be real where I am and then I can go to the next step.
Nefesh - “hodu til baruch she’amar – neztach hod yesod – associated w/lower part of body left right thigh and yesod = bris
28:00 explains long text
Nezach – branch of chesed – 2 levels 1. Maintain/endurance/victory After passionate davening commitment that rest of day will be guided by experience of Davening even though not nec’ly in tune w/my deepest values and feelings – make commitments even when not in the mood – passion carries me thru – I amake a heskem (agreement) to caryy on later
L & R & ctr columns of sefiros netzach under chesed cuz it’s a branch of chesed –
34:00 Hod - ability to acknowledge truth and surrender to truth, don’t remain stuck even if don’t understand pratim must review may even be unemotional
Two types of hoda 1. I know the truth yet don’t know details
Ex if open, one can modeh more things – might now even know why or how or what but know it’s true, maybe don’t even know that it’s this way Yet know there’s truth there
40:00 last step before turning to nachash is moideem –
Need nezach & hod to live a wholesome life – being in touch w/who you really are – being in touch w/H”
Modeh – submitting, giving in, agreeing
at least know that truth is not inside me - hod in a person’s life
42:30 How does know what “yarid” to attend? What yarid “marketplace” should one go to? One wants to be in a yarid that resonates w/you. Where you can reach your full potential. Embraces you. Brings out your best w/o compromises. Be brutally honest and open w/yourself. Put your 100% into it, a place of truth. passion Where you can trust the vendors and the clients – respects where you are and yet helps you challenge yoursefl to go to the next step – don’t have to ‘amputate’ any part of yourself emotionally psychologically or intellectually ie can be yourself. Where your soul can be on fire.
I don’t have to go to every yarid – smorgasborg don’t need to take everything, like to see it. Can embrace that. That is liberating and emancipating. If I need to knosh everywhere, I can’t be anywhere – I’m at every yarid but can’t be anywhere.
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Rachel -4 years ago
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Aharon -4 years ago
Gut Shabbos
Thank you for your very good words
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Aharon -4 years ago
Henry David Thoreau
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Aharon -4 years ago
Rebbe mentioned earlier or last night - if one is truly looking for truth H' will help guide the person
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