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How to View Internet & Technology

31 min

Class Summary:

During COVID-19, all of us are using technology more than ever before. As schools went virtual, there are new questions and dilemmas. Rabbi YY Jacobson present on the subject, Sunday, 1 Sivan, 5780, May, 24, 2020

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  • S

    Sam -3 years ago

    I'm not sure how to view this. It's luidcrus. 

    Computers are machines that can proform calcultions on data. They can output data in multiple ways - for example changing pixel colors on a screen.

    The internet is a term used to describe the physical connection between these computer machines. 

    To be afried of it would be funny if it wasnt wierd.

    I uderstand that users of computers can instruct the computer to perform a task that is against commen morals, religion, law, etc. However, this is not a problem with these inanimate objects - it is a problem that pepole want to do it. That is all. 

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Thank you!

    Thank you rabbi for doing this class, its really amazing to see a rabbi who understands the challange!

    Could you maybe give one such a class about technology aspecially for teenagers?

    I know so many out there who really have a hard time with this and it would literally save them!

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  • E

    Eliyahu -4 years ago

    Good morning Rebbi Mori; I preface my email with this title because BH I've listened to many, many hours of shiurim of yours and have gained a tremendous amount from them.  I really have pages of comments and questions to share with you but this email will be on something you so bravely mentioned on your video with Rabbi Krohn; and that is what the "yeshivish" call the dreaded internet. 

    My profession is in Network Administration and I know very well what the dark side of internet can do; from browsing YouTube addiction which sooner than later turns into inappropriate videos to hard core pornography, besides that waist of life and time that comes from it.  I also on a number of occasions have been involved with teens at risk including all that comes with that package.  I've also unfortunately have been involved with searching couples computer where one of them got involved with other woman and all that package - all starting with internet curiosity....
    The most terrifying thing of all is, Yup, like you also said, the amount of bachurim who are "off the derech just with the "required hat and jacket".  This was confirmed for me from a boy I was mitapel with who was also OTD and said to me "Ha!  you think the numbers of US are big, it will blow your mind of the numbers of bachurim who are jealous of us and wish they had the courage to break away".  Yet after all that, I still say, as you said many of times, there is a lot to benefit from the internet. 
    On the current event topics of "reopening yeshivos"  and how tents are being erected all over town, to me is just a cover-up of the 50% success (or failure) rate of the "phone only" learning religion among the yeshivish olum.  It was all and only about fitting into the yeshivish culture (or unfortunately not being able to stand up to the goons with beautiful long beards who threaten, obviously in a nice way, not to use the traif Zoom).  It's not about chinuch and creating and showing children the beauty of yidishkit, it's all about Principle and Misorah (whatevery that means!).  On that note, can you give a lecture on Misorah and where it applies?  Because I don't believe it means NOT to adjust to the needs of our generation.  
    I have so much more to add but I'll digress to another burning question I had to ask you.
    One the topic of big families- It all makes no scenes to me.  Unfortunately the number of dysfunctional families with large families are out of control between the ones who can keep the "lid" and the ones that can't.  I'm not saying there are not a lot of small families who are dysfunctional also, but whats at stake with large families are much greater;  from building spousal relationships to what it takes to raise a large family to all the financials.  So my question is - does hashem really want people to have large families regardless of all the above?  Does hashem want people to bring more kids into a crumbling family infrastructure?  Is it so wrong for a lady to say she needs a break to re-asses and re-calibrate, to make sure she has the strength and that she's giving the children she already have what they need?  I'm talking about woman who are home; forget the ones who support and do everything for their husband to learn!  I can't tell you how many woman I hear saying among themselves  "  What did I get myself into, I can't do everything anymore!".  Shouldn't this be an important and primary question rabunim should actively scrutinize?  Has quantity been overlooked for quality?  As you so nicely said before; "The need for a lady to push a stroller"  excuse the maturity to know when to say time to break?  Please don't get me wrong, when I see a family who has the proper simchas hachaim and that the kids feel and see the gleaming love from their parents, Please have the kids!
    Am I having an irrational expectation on our frum community? Should I be just excepting that we are a 747 with 3 blown  engines and simply brace for impact?  The list of areas of problems are not to be believed and to me it's so painful to see the dire effects it has on so many.  is it naivety on our leaders part or has kavod, geiva and kesef taken over?

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    • S

      Sam -3 years ago

      As a network adimn you should know that the problem isn't the internet - its the users. 

      The cases you state of addiction to pornograhy and online romance is an argumant for less stringent laws on sex etc. If these peopole would be happy in thier currant relashionships, they wounldnt feel the need to become addicted to the above mentioned things. In normal socaity it the same - the ones who become addicted to unhealthy intenet behaviours have no outlet in real life for the things they do online. 

      Another point, you mentiond about the large amount who 'wear the hat and jacket while being OTD'. 

      I sorta agree. 

      Until last year I was in school. 3 top boys in my class who where viewed as 'real masmidim' and are now in top proforming yeshivos all admited to me to watching pornograhpy regularly. I would love to say they where the only 3, but they where not. I know one boy who is addicted to pornograhpy in every sense of the word. His natrul instincts have been turned into something else due to his stiffiling culture. However, he still belives in the jewish god - he is not 'OTD', like the rest of them.

      I once got acsess to a rabbis PC to help a studant on it. The recycle bin on that PC was full of sexuel edits of mainstream animie and manga. To me, that means that someone liked those mainstream anime and manga, and then got involved into poronograhpic edits of it. I'm not saying it was the rabbi, but he only let holy studants he trusted use it. One of them obviously found animie/manga in private, and not wanting to tell anyone he got obsessed with it alone. Wihtout anyone to talk about other aspects of it, he started getting into animie porn. 

      However, I digress. I am going off topic. 

      What I mean to say is, the internet is not a promblem, what's its users do with it is the issue. And when the users are forbidian from following natrul instincts, they will do it in private. Now they can do it eisely, on the internet. To try forbid it will only make them more obsessed with the harful parts, as that is all they know what they can do on the World Wide Web, instead of the (much more) good stuff. 

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  • EB

    Elie Benzaquen -4 years ago


    At least post the audio mp3 so I can listen. Thanks

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  • M

    Moshe -4 years ago

    Sometimes rabbonim are afraid to embrace new tech

    I haven't checked it, but according to  R. Berl Wein, the master jewish historian, in a tape on medieval jewish history, claims that when the printing press was  invented, the rabbonim at the time assurred it, forbidding possession of printed books, even Torah books! They were afraid of contamination of the mesorah in handwritten scrolls. 

      Where I live, there are chasidim (not lubavitch) who shun smartphones (at least in  public), computers and the internet.  They walk around glued to  their flip phones. (Weren't phones and even simple cell phones also a  chidush once?) 

      For that matter all the women do not drive and its bideved for the men. 

      This is a philosophy consonant with the attempt to build high and strong walls to keep our the tumah l, as opposed to building strong yidden with inner values to maintain taharah and spread that light. 

      Those with the high walls often fail because inevitably they catch a glimpse of  what is forbidden (even theyeshivanet.) and then it's all the more enticing precisely because it was forbidden.  

       The correct balanced approach, per the Rambam, is to examine each new tech, or new item, that is essentially kelipa noga, and then accept or reject it according to  the  circumstances and with proper safeguards.  Hence Lubavitch was first to utilize the power of  the internet for the dissemination of Torah 20 years ago. 


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Internet & Technology

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 24, 2020
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  • 1 Sivan 5780
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Dedicated by Mimi and Amnon Trebish, in honor of his parents Moshe and Lean Trebish, for their 50 year wedding anniversary

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