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How to Forgive People Who Hurt You

Learning How to Get Along with Each Other

1 hr 21 min

Class Summary:

A lecture to the Jewish Community of Panama, followed by Q and A, Sunday Evening, 5 Av, 5780, July 26, 2020, in honor of the "Nine Days" and Tisha B'Av.

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  • B

    binyamin -3 years ago

    Thank you for your beautiful Drosho on peace.
    I am a ponoviz talmid from b.braq and i listen to you cause of your amazing midot and עין טובה.
    You brought the story of R zalman that didn't want to sign. I want to share with you an amazing Ramban in parshas Korach on the biggest מחלוקת in klal yisroel.
    The Ramban is on the posuk
     וישמע משה ויפול על פניו
    Asks the  Ramban where is Aharon!!!!!
    The Ramban sais something that nobody in our generation can day (besides Rabbi yy)
    The Ramban sais:
    "ולא ויפלו, כי אהרן במוסרו ובקדושתו לא ענה דבר בכל המחלוקת הזו. ויהי כמחריש וכמודה שמעלת קורח גדולה ממעלתו, אבל הוא עושה כדבר משה ומקיים גזירת מלך"!!!!!!
    Amazing!! Powerful words, and a lesson for all generations!!
    On one hand going all the way with Moishe, cause he heard from Hashem, and on the other hand holding himself less then Korach and keeping quiet!!!
    Thank you again!

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  • S

    Stefanie -3 years ago

    Can I watch again?

    I missed the beginning...can I watch from the beginning?

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    • Anonymous -3 years ago

      Yes. just press play

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    The conductor is Benjamin Zander. 

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    • Anonymous -3 years ago

      Yes, I stand corrected. Thanks vm.

      That's what happens when you rely only on memory...

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  • M

    Moshe -3 years ago

    Question on the malach-Hashem story

    Reb Zalman wouldn't sign the document cutting out the chasidim cuz, like the Akeida, to cut one has to hear it from Hashem Himself.  His rebbe, the Vilna Goan could sign but not the talmud,  Reb Zalman.

      But, if Reb Zalman considered his Rebbe a malach how was it logically, that his rebbe cum malach did sign the ban of the chasidim? . According to the logic derived from.the Akeida should not have allowed the Vilna Goan to sign a  ban

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Obviously this lecture was recorded before Tish B'Av as the Rabbi made a nice Brocho and had a cild glass of water ;)

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Lecture to Panama Jewish community

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 30, 2020
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  • 9 Av 5780
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