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Hemshech Ayin Beis -- Introduction

A Series of 144 Chabad Chassidic Discourses, By the Rebbe Rashab During the Years 1912-1916

50 min

Class Summary:

Hemshech Ayin Beis -- Introduction: A Series of 144 Chabad Chassidic Discourses, By the Rebbe Rashab, during the years 1912-1916

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  • RLW

    Rabbi L. Wineberg -11 years ago

    Learning "Ayin Beis"
    Thanks to Isaac, Gevaldig, and Motty for your advance support. Hatzlacha with the  the learning and keep the comments flowing.

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  • M

    Motty -11 years ago

    Thank You
    I started learing this every morning on my own and didnt feel like I was getting the full grasp on what's going on. This presents me with a great opportunity to complete the hemshech and to really own it. 

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  • G

    gevaldig! -11 years ago

    The new edition
    What a Hashgacha peratis.

    I just saw online a new and improved edition of AYIN BAIS with annotations and sources, footnotes,  punctuation and paragraph breaks.

     http://lahak.org/pdf2/mehur... />

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  • I

    Isaac -11 years ago

    Rabbi W, may it be with much hatzlocha. Looking forward! I will join you bli neder each week and will review the maamarim first.

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Levi Wineberg

  • July 30, 2012
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  • 11 Av 5772
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