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Ayin Beis -- #8: The Unconscious Mind & the hidden Sefiros

Hemshech Ayin Beis Maamar 4 chapters 14-15

57 min

Class Summary:

Ayin Beis -- #8: The Unconscious Mind & the hidden Sefiros - Hemshech Ayin Beis Maamar 4 chapters 14-15

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Chapt 15 missing

    There is  almost  no  chapter  15 - it is skipped almost completely

    Doubt  whether anyone  replies since no one comes here,  login is broken and this is 7 years old plus.

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      Yes, we reply. This is what Rabbi Wineberg taught -- he briefly touched on chapter 15.

      What login is broken? Please specify so we can fix.

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  • A

    amir -11 years ago

    very impressive
    as someone who gives shiurim in chassidus i often find that the biggest difficulty in teaching chassidus is explaining kabbalic terms to simple language. as we understand (or think we understand) it in a spiritual meaning but we can't always translate to the other person for him to understand as well.

    rabby weinberg succeds in this very much, explayining "AYIN BEIS" in a way that even someone who has never learned chassidus (but only has the will to) can understand.

    a grois yasher koiach for taking on this challanging' project may you succed

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Levi Wineberg

  • November 8, 2012
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  • 23 Cheshvan 5773
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