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Rambam Hilchos Talmud Torah Chapter 1

The Obligation to Study and Teach Torah

49 min

Class Summary:

This class in Rambam the laws of Talmud Torah, chapter one, was presented on Thursday Parshas Eikev, 16 Av, 5780, August 6, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY

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  • M

    Moshe -3 years ago

    one is not obligated to pay for a Torah teacher for a child not his own

    pity. Everyone knows the crushing burden of tuitions on many families, especially large families. In America there is  also double taxation in that we pay jewish school  tuition plus half our property taxes (paid by tenants also albeit indirectly) goes for public schools from which yidden have no benefit. 

      There ought to  be a community tax on all to pay for jewish tuitions so the burden is more spread out.  This is  actually the property tax public school system.  

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  • YH

    Yehudis Helfand -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    According to the Ramchal, ( Mamar Hageula) woman are second class citizens because we are in Golus, When the geula will come the status of man and woman will b equal as was meant by Hashem.

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  • DK

    Dr.Heshie Kleiin -3 years ago

    Why Talmud Torah is so Important

    Torah is Oxygen for the Soul. The Father has to learn Torah before he can teach his son, becasue he is the transmitter of the Mesorah, and the chain from Hashem to Moshe and frem generation to generation cannot be broken. If I don't leran Torah then I break the chain. That is like what the flight attendant says on an airplane, if the oxygen masks come out of the overhead, PUT YOUR OWN MASK ON FIRST, becasue if you try to save your young son before you save yourself, you're both going to die. That's why learning Torah is so important, and why the father hsa to learn before he can teach his child.

    Torah is the same. Put you own mask on first!

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    Rashi taught his daughters Torah??

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    • S

      Sara -3 years ago

      thank you for saying all that. I understand

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  • KCS

    Kaila C Stempel -3 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    I never emotionally understood women not being obligated to learn. A woman who doesn't learn (me) would experience a huge void without that learning. I would get lost in gashmius and not encourage my children to be frum. My aunts did not learn - they used their mind for law...etc. My uncles were sent to learn in Poland. The children of my aunts - who were not sent to learn - raised children who were not frum.

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Rambam Mishneh Torah

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 6, 2020
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  • 16 Av 5780
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